Willingness | Nahdmu fl-istess ufficju

Nahdmu fl-istess ufficju

Jiena naħdem f’uffiċju u xhur ilu bdejt naħdem ma’ kollega ġdida.  Ftit, ftit bdejt ninġibed lejha u nħoss li hi tħossha bl-istess mod lejja.  L-unika ħaġa li qiegħda tberren f’moħħi hi, li jekk nkunu f’relazzjoni flimkien, jista jiġi affetwat x-xogħol.  … Read more

See More – Travel More

There is much more to the world than the area you call your comfort zone. Visiting new cities and countries can help you step out of the comfort zone you limit yourself to. Admittedly, stepping out of this comfort zone … Read more

Willingness | Take me to Neverland

Take me to Neverland

There was once a man and his son. They had never seen an eagle. One day a magnificent eagle landed on their windowsill, and when the child saw it, he exclaimed, “What a beautiful creature!” The man, disgusted remarked, “What Read more

Willingness | What keeps us happy?

What keeps us happy?

What keeps us healthy and happy as we go through life? A recent study asked a group of young adults what their life goals were.  Over 80% said they wanted to be rich and another 50% said their second best … Read more

Willingness | Let the Children Play

Let the Children Play

Our opportunities to play as children have influenced and shaped the capacity we have as adults to navigate our own lives. Play has influenced our own creative capacities and problem solving abilities. What kind of tools do we want our Read more

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