Impostor syndrome is a term that we use when describing people who are successful in what they do but feel like frauds despite their career achievements. This is because of a belief that they are not as good as others … Read more
Feeling suicidal during the festive season
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death around the world and is common among people of all ages. It is estimated by the World Health Organisation that in a year, around 800,000 people die by suicide, amounting to … Read more
Living with chronic pain
Source of pain can differ from being heart broken and feeling the pain of an ending relationship to the scratches and burning on your knees when you fall down. Whatever the source is, pain is not something unnecessary. It is … Read more
3 ways to prevent spreading AIDS
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) refers to a number of potentially life-threatening infections and illnesses that occur when an individual’s immune system is weakened by the HIV virus. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that weakens one’s immune … Read more
What does depression look like in a man?
Both men and women experience depression but their symptoms can be very different. Because men who are depressed may appear to be angry or aggressive instead of sad, their families, friends, and even their doctors may not always recognize the … Read more
Changing your unhealthy eating habits – the psychology behind eating
Nowadays it is easy to get information about healthy food but at the same time there are more and more different kind of eating problems and obesity has become one of the biggest problems in the modern world. Why is … Read more
Why you should express your sadness
Have you seen the movie Inside Out? In this movie 5 different emotions; joy, sadness, fear, disgust and anger come to life. As human beings, we experience different feelings according to how we perceive the situations we find ourselves in. … Read more
5 ways of losing weight that do not involve diet or training
The key to living a healthy lifestyle is to maintain a balance between eating nutritious food and exercising at least three times a week. The ideal weight is calculated through what is known as the body mass index (BMI), a … Read more
Am I suffering from social anxiety?
Social anxiety disorder, sometimes called social phobia, is one of the most common anxiety disorders. Individuals dealing with this condition would generally feel quite nervous or uncomfortable in social situations. They would feel very concerned about the possibility of doing … Read more
The Sobbing Beneath the Aggression
Think of a moment when you have felt utterly vulnerable and exposed… When your emotions were so raw you believed that you could not handle them… When you felt so hurt by someone that you wanted to curl up in … Read more