Willingness | Burnout = Wake Up Call?

Burnout = Wake Up Call?

Feeling exhausted on a Wednesday morning might well reflect a stressful everyday life, but recognizing the feeling as being ‘burnt out’ can be life-changing and point towards a serious condition. 

Many people work under constant stress, which can evoke symptoms

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Willingness | Mindfulness meditation is not for me

Mindfulness meditation is not for me

Why all this fuss about mindfulness?

In the ‘Annual Review of Clinical Psychology Journal’, the psychologist Joseph Wielgosz and his team explore the recent strong interest of mindfulness practices in mental health treatment. Below I will describe three

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Willingness | 7 life skills every adult should know

7 life skills every adult should know

NICEF, UNESCO and WHO came up with ten life skills which are considered to be core strategies and techniques that every adult should attain. In this blog I will group these skills into 7, and are listed and explored into

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Willingness | 5 ways to achieve your goal

5 ways to achieve your goal

A goal is something that you want to achieve in your life and it can be related to different areas e.g. career, health, friendships, relationships etc . Usually, when a person sets a goal this is because they want to

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