Parental alienation is a difficult and emotional topic for both parents and their children. It refers to a situation where one parent attempts to turn a child against the other parent, often through manipulation and brainwashing. This can have a … Read more
Šta je geštalt terapija i kako izgleda u praksi?
Prečesto mi se dešava da mi klijenti prijave da su čitali pomalo o geštalt terapiji, ali da su ostali zbunjeni u vezi toga kako ona zaista izgleda u praksi. Zbog toga sam odlučila da ovome posvetim još jedan post, u … Read more
Fibro Fog: How to Handle it
Did you notice any differences in your cognitive abilities since living with fibromyalgia? Like not being able to focus on your work? Feeling like your brain is cloudy or your brain is not able to think clearly? Then, it means … Read more
8 tips that teach children time management
Time management has numerous benefits for children, no matter what age they are; for instance, it teaches them discipline and responsibility, helps them learn how to prioritise their tasks, divide the time according to their tasks, and ultimately reduces overall … Read more
How to get started with journal writing
Sometimes we have way too many thoughts and emotions running around our brains and we just don’t know where to begin to either filter or deal with them. We can often be left feeling very overwhelmed and it makes decision … Read more
Conflict resolution strategies in couple relationships
At some point in every relationship, there will be some sort of conflict. However, it is very crucial to learn how to resolve and find a resolution through the use of conflict resolution strategies because conflict is very common. If … Read more
Why do I worry so much about my sexual performance?
Have you ever felt anxious before performing a task in front of people? It is pretty common and normal for people to feel worried before or during performing a certain task. It can be very stressful for some people to … Read more
Polarities: The Right Balance Depends on the Weigher
One of Gestalt therapy’s concepts is that of polarities, which refers to opposing forces the individuals possess. Polarities can be both intrapersonal (within the self) and interpersonal (with the other) and can apply to different contexts such as the self, … Read more
Effective Communication
Having good communication skills is possibly one of the most important things you may learn to enhance your work life, family life and social life. Being able to effectively communicate and express yourself in a mature and professional manner is a … Read more