If your relative has been given a diagnosis of a mental illness, it is useful to learn more about it so that you can understand how it is affecting your relative. By learning more about the illness and about any medication which the person might be taking, you would probably be more likely to recognise when they are becoming unwell. This is useful in order to prevent the person from going through a relapse. There are many books and websites which can help you learn more about mental health. You would also probably benefit very much from attending a mental health first aid course, which is now also available in Malta.
On a practical level, take note of their meetings and appointments so that your relative does not miss any follow ups with their professionals. If your relative needs to take medication, it might be useful to keep a weekly dosage box as this will help both of you to know which medication has been taken and at what time. You can also speak to social security to see whether there are any financial benefits that you would be entitled to. Try to keep useful contact numbers in a place where they would be easily accessible in case of an emergency. Finally, look out for professionals and organisations who can guide you in this process.

Take a look at part 3 of the blog for more information about this topic.

– Claire is a gestalt psychotherapist at Willingness. She works with adolescents and adults. She has a special interest in mental health. She can be contacted on claire@willingness.com.mt.