If you are going to make a career change, you need to plan things well in order for this decision to be for the better. Below you will find a few tips on how to make this important decision as smooth as possible.


  • Know yourself!


In order to make the change for the better, you have to take into consideration yourself and your circumstances. Changing career does not only affect your nine to five job, but your whole lifestyle. Furthermore, it affects all those who in some way are in your life. Keep in mind to always have a good and healthy work and life balance.


It is imperative to also consider the importance of lifelong learning. Higher levels of education usually provide better employment opportunities. It is essential to reflect on your current level of knowledge and capabilities, which you have accumulated through formal education and work experience, and ponder on what aspects you might need to develop to move ahead in the new direction. In addition, it is important to evaluate your employability skills (such as organisation and communication skills) and set goals to develop further skills, which can make you more employable.


Knowing what satisfies you and what makes you happy is another part of knowing yourself. It is important that if you are considering changing career, you should look into things which invigorate you and which are of value to you. An ideal career should provide you with a sense of purpose and value.


  • Research the employment scene


The world of work is ever-changing and new careers emerge all the time. It is therefore important to keep your eyes and ears open for any new possible opportunities. It is essential to look into different careers and discuss with others to gain a clear picture, as much as possible. Find the time to discuss with people from all walks of life, even if they are in careers which are of little interest to you. Furthermore, discussing with people who might have been through similar situations might inspire you to think outside the box.


It is vital that through this research you identify the sectors of interest to you and those which you feel are most apt. The aim is to later focus on more specific areas of work in order to commence more in depth research on those areas.


  • Take Action


We all know that this is much easier said than done, but after doing all the research necessary and you have determined that this is the best option for you, this is the next step.


It is here important to conclude that knowing how critical this decision may be, it is vital to ponder your decision carefully. Speak to the significant people in your life and discuss this major step. Do not get caught in emotion as it will make you fail to see the important pros and cons which are extremely essential to consider. Finally, if possible, try to avoid leaving the current position before actually securing the new one.



Ann Julene Hili is a Career Guidance Practitioner with Willingness. She specializes in working with teens and young adults who are in their educational and career transitions. She can be contacted on annjulene@willingness.com.mt.