Throughout the years, researchers have coined 4 types of parenting styles that parents tend to use on their children. Each style tackles a different way of how you raise your child and how this may affect the development of your child. The following is a list of the 4 parenting styles and their outcome: 


In this parenting style, parents tend to be strict with their rules. The child is told what to do and what to obey, and they are expected to go along with it without questioning it. If they do question it, no explanation is given and if they try to resist, they are immediately punished. As a result of this approach, children grow up reserved, unable to make their own decisions, and also unable to control their anger since they have never been taught how to express it. It leaves them with a low self-esteem and low self-confidence.

2. Authoritative

This parenting style is more nurturing and parents are more aware of their children’s needs. A lot of effort is put into maintaining a positive relationship with their child. They explain clearly to their children what is expected out of them and if they need to be disciplined, the reason is explained to them. There is open communication between the parent and child. This parenting style allows children to grow up in the healthiest manner but it requires more effort and patience than any other style. This parenting approach produces children that are responsible, self-assured, and capable of managing their emotions. 

3. Permissive

Permissive parents are the most lenient in their parenting style. They tend to take on more of a friendly role rather than a parenting one. They rarely expect anything from their children and let their children decide for themselves. These types of parents would prefer to avoid conflict rather than to discipline their children. The problem with this is that the children grow up having a limited sense of guidance in their life. Thus, children from this parenting style usually end up having an unhealthy lifestyle; such as drinking too much, eating unhealthy foods, and failing to manage time for homework time or bedtime. These children grow up with a good self-esteem yet are more demanding, selfish, and impulsive.

4. Uninvolved

This parenting style is often also known as the neglectful parenting style. These types of parents are not involved at all in their children’s lives. Often not knowing what their children are doing or even where they are. These types of parents tend to be struggling with their own issues which leaves them no time to take care of their children. They are often seen as cold and uncaring. Children from this parenting style tend to grow up more self-sufficient and resilient than other children. They are forced to mature ahead of their time in order to be able to take care of themselves. However, they will usually lack the skills to control and cope with their emotions and have difficulty maintaining social relationships. 

Having 4 specific parenting styles does not mean that you have to only fit into one category. Parents tend to move from one to the other depending on the situation they are in. Life is about finding a balance and the parenting style that works best for you. 

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here.

Mandy Brincat is a Gestalt psychotherapist who enjoys working therapeutically with adults on various issues, such as general mental health and wellbeing. She also has experience working with children with anxiety and day to day stressful problems.


  1. Morin, A. (2021). 4 Types of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Kids. Verywell Family. Retrieved 12 March 2022, from
  2. Sanvictores, T., & D. Mendez., M. (2021). Types of Parenting Styles and Effects On Children. StatPearls Publishing LLC.
  3. Zeltser, F. (2021). Retrieved 12 March 2022, from