As promised in the previous blog, this blog will discuss some other intriguing areas that constitute psychology.

Let’s continue!


  1. Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychology includes the assessment and treatment of mental illnesses and psychiatric problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and many more. Clinical Psychologists work in various settings such as clinics, hospitals and private businesses.


  1. Developmental Psychology

This branch is concerned with the development of people starting from conception continuing throughout their entire lifespan. This includes the study of various features such as physical and social development, intellectual development, and changes in perception and emotions with age.


  1. Educational Psychology

This area studies people within an educational framework. It involves the implementation of better and more effective learning methods to help improve the way a person learns. It also helps to engage the student in various different activities that can be beneficial to the being.


  1. Experimental Psychology

Experimental psychology deals with the scientific nature of things. It utilises various scientific methods to carry out experiments and test new theories.  This way we constantly improve our knowledge on both the mind and on human behaviour.


Brushing through these areas can help us understand that psychology involves more than just sharing your thoughts and issues with the therapist.


Stay tuned for the last part of these series!


 Danica Cassar is a first year psychology student at the University of Malta. Her main interest in the field is play therapy and looks to further her career in the sector. Danica is an intern at