Willingness | What is Anxiety Disorder? |Part 1

What is Anxiety Disorder? |Part 1

Anxiety is a normal emotion which activates when being faced with a stressful situation and when the necessary support is absent. It is the brain’s way of alerting us, and the body’s automatic fight-or-flight response which is triggered when under … Read more

Willingness | Anxiety vs stress – what is the difference?

Anxiety vs stress – what is the difference?

“Stress” and “anxiety” are words we hear regularly and sometimes are erroneously used interchangeably. They refer to different emotional states which differ in severity and will be explored further in this blog.


Stress is defined as the tension that … Read more

Willingness | Anxiety Causes False Beliefs

Anxiety Causes False Beliefs

Anxiety can creep up on you at any moment in your life. In fact, being an anxious person is harder to live with than some people think. When you’re an anxious person, you constantly fear that things will not go … Read more

Willingness | Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety Symptoms

When we are in situations which cause stress, it is normal to feel anxious. In some situations, stress can help us to react, get things done and keep ourselves safe. However, there are several situations which can evoke high intense … Read more

Willingness | Sitting with sadness | Part 1

Sitting with sadness | Part 1

Why do we always try to avoid being sad or find ways to run away from this sadness? Did you know sitting with sadness is actually the key to processing our emotions? But what does that even mean? And how … Read more

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