It is never late for a career change, and I will prove why in this blog.


People sometimes think that it’s too late to make a career change since they would have been in the same career field for a long period of time. This seems to be harder to make a step when the person is of an older age and maybe has more responsibilities and commitments. It is reasonable to think that one may take into consideration the fact that starting a new career means that s/he has to start from the very basic when it comes to experience, salary and also learning curve. On the other hand if these factors keep one from making the change then this would mean that one can feel that there is a lack of satisfaction within the current career.

Here are some tips to make your move more successful.

  • Even if you may lack the role experience you would still have the work ethics, built up network and also a way of working with people that you can apply to your new career path. Companies would not only take into consideration the knowledge of a particular role but also the person who is flexible, able to learn fast and a problem solver amongst others. During the interview it is important to apply what you have gained from the previous career to what can be beneficial to the new career.
  • Be mentally and physically ready for a change in your life. Know the benefits and the downfalls of the new job especially for the fact that you will need to start this new career from scratch. One issue could that your superior may be younger and s/he may have more experience in the field. It is important that you keep an open mentality and adapt accordingly.
  • It is important that you keep in mind that if you are changing a career that means that you feel that your new career will bring out your best qualities and strengths. This means that things should be easier and more natural since they are more at heart. For this you will be more open to learning and taking upon yourself to make the needed research and ready to complete the needed studies within the field.
  • In order to gain experience in your new career you need to be prepared that there will be the need for an experience build up. This is done by getting involved in internships, volunteer work and even does some part time work. This will help you in testing the waters and making sure that you like the new career path.
  • Start building a network of people within the new career role and be open to what they have to say even the downside of the job so you know if this will work within your new routine. This will help you gain a better picture of what the different jobs within the field have to offer and how the structure works. Even if you might have the subject at heart there are still some protocols and policies that you need to learn from others.
  • Don’t expect that you will have the same benefits that you had in your previous career. Be humble and accept that you will need to work for those benefits again step by step.

Change can happen at any time, it is important that one is not afraid to take the first step into such change and be ready for all that is to come with it.

Reference : Sarason, S. B. (1977). Work, aging, and social change: Professionals and the one life-one career imperative. New York, NY, US: Free Press.



Therisa Gambin is a psychology graduate who worked in the HR sector for the past 4 years. She decided to change her career path and thus is at present an intern at Willingness and will continue to focus on psychology practices.