The words; loyal, passionate and professional can be used to describe daring Danica Cassar who joined the Willingness team 7 years ago, all the way back in 2016. What started out as an internship has now turned into something far greater, read on to learn all about Danica’s journey with Willingness…

Describe Willingness in 3 words

Danica: Innovative. Approachable. Diverse

What’s our role at Willingness? What does it consist of? 

Danica: It’s a variety of roles; Mainly Partner at Willingness overlooking internal relations and HR, health clinic manager where I take care of the health clinic team and focus on getting the maltese population healthier and a health psychology practitioner which goes very much in line with my manager role where I do one-to-one interventions to individuals who would like to improve their health and lifestyle better.

Why did you choose Willingness? 

Danica: I chose Willingness due to the approachability and how we tackle taboo topics.

What do you like the most about your job at Willingness? 

Danica: Meeting people; new professionals, budding professionals, and clients; everyone has their own story to share. 

How long does it take you to get to Willingness? 

Danica: Sometimes it takes just 20 minutes where other times it can take up to 1.5 hours, depending if I am in Malta or Gozo.

What would you say to a colleague who’s thinking about joining the Willingness Team?

Danica: If you would like to continue growing professionally and personally, it is the right choice.

What have you learnt since joining Willingness? 

Danica: That is a massive question that requires a very long answer. If I had to put it in a nutshell I’d say I have learned the importance of being prepared, the value of evidence and finally that being comfortable where you are means you are not challenging yourself enough which in turn means that you are not growing.

Does Willingness add to your practice? If yes, what? 

Danica: Yes, it adds valuable experience and knowledge as with every client I meet and work with, I read and research, practise different techniques and tools which all help with developing one’s practice.

If you’d like to book an appointment with Danica or another professional from our team, you can do so here

You can learn more about health psychology here.