As Human beings we connect with objects and other individuals through our multiple relationships which we create with the physical, personal, social and spiritual relational layers within our lives.

The Physical layer represents the world around us and our environment. The Personal layer represents the relationships which we have with ourselves. The Social layer represents the relationships which we have with other humans. Whilst the Spiritual layer represents the ideals which we associate with ourselves.

All layers are important in our lives in order to keep us balanced and grounded. In order to reflect on the previous year and to create a better experience for 2020, one may ask the following questions in order to assess one’s experience of the world and reflect on the interactions with all of the different elements.

Physical Layer – How do you treat the environment around you? Do you make an active effort to enjoy the physical element around you? Is there something you would like to change? How can you make small changes to help myself strengthen this layer?

Personal Layer – How do you treat yourself? Do you consider yourself as worthy of others? Do you respect yourself? Is there something you would like to change? How can you make small changes to help myself strengthen this layer?

Social Layer -How do you treat others? Do you empathise with others? Do you treat others with respect?  Is there something you would like to change? How can you make small changes to help myself strengthen this layer?

Spiritual Layer – What are your values? Are you lenient or too stringent on allowing mistakes? What belief system do you hold? What do you consider wrong or right? What is good or bad for you?  Is there something you would like to change? How can you make small changes to help myself strengthen this layer?

Whatever answers emerge from this exercise, it’s important to remember that change takes place over a stretch of time, so be patient and kind with yourself. Set small, achievable goals in order to increase your chances of feeling motivated and reaching your goals.


  • Van Deurzen, E. (2012). Existential Counselling & Psychotherapy in Practice. SAGE : UK, 3rd Edition.

Karl Grech is a counsellor. He offers counselling to both individuals and couples within Willingness. He can be contacted on or call us on 79291817.