Willingness | The Last Born - Part 2 of 2

The Last Born – Part 2 of 2

When the last child is born, parents are more likely to be knowledgeable and confident in their parenting, therefore, being more relaxed and not as strict or as expectant as when parenting the eldest.

Being the last born means that … Read more

Willingness | Parenting styles to avoid…

Parenting styles to avoid…

It has been determined that the most successful parenting follows the Authoritative style. This is characterised by supportiveness, structure and a democratic approach. Children are happier, capable and successful here. However, there are also three established styles which are deemed … Read more

Willingness | Areas of Psychology - Part 1 of 3

Areas of Psychology – Part 1 of 3

Psychology? What is it?

Probably the first image that pops into your head is one of a client lying down on a couch while another person on the side jotting down everything that is said during that session. However, this … Read more

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