Willingness | It’s just a little crush

It’s just a little crush

Have you ever had those little butterflies in your stomach whenever you think of or are around a person that you like? Do you constantly think about this person and wait for a notification on your phone from them? Well,

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Willingness | To Wed or Not to Wed?

To Wed or Not to Wed?

To wed or not to wed… As you might have guessed, there is no one answer to this question since people usually have different opinions on the matter. Some people believe that marriage is a very important ritual that should

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Willingness | Jien Persuna li Nkun Irrid Ħafna Attenzjoni

Jien Persuna li Nkun Irrid Ħafna Attenzjoni

Kważi kull wieħed u waħda minnha xtaq li jkun fiċ-ċentru u jkollu l-attezjoni fuqu xi darba jew oħra f’ħajtu. Min jaf kemm-il persuna taf li tqatta’ ħafna ħin fuq il-midja soċjali u jkollha bżonn il-validazzjoni ta’ ħaddieħor, speċjalment fuq kif

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