My choice of this topic was inspired by many situations that arise from my own living environment, including myself as well, and are related to unhealthy separation process between the parents and their children as well as the separation anxiety … Read more
The political sanity
Politicians are some of the most pressured individuals in society. This is due to them constantly being in the limelight. Anything a politician says or does can have drastic effects on entire societies.
Politics has always been a delicate subject, … Read more
Instant Gratification
Speakers :
Mel McElhatton holds a degree in Social Work from the University of Malta. With Willingness, Mel does life coaching and is one of the facilitators in the IRL – In Real Life team. They are also the … Read more
The psychology behind volunteering
Why do people volunteer?
Matthew Bartolo is a counsellor specialising in Sex & Relationships. He offers counselling to both individuals and couples, and runs the sex education services within Willingness. He can be contacted on
Reflect on what you buy
In a world where we can buy things with the press of a button, it can be quite difficult to reflect on something before we get it. There was a time when to buy something you had to wait for … Read more
Gain versus loss
Did you ever lose an object and felt very upset? This might have been because that object was a gift from someone special or because you worked very hard to afford buying it. We tend to become attached to our … Read more
Feeling good: the puzzle of believing in your own capabilities
‘’Be yourself, everyone else is already taken’’ – the humorous words of Oscar Wilde make it sound simple, as if liking and accepting yourself could be the best (or the only) way to live your life. However, have you ever … Read more
Why do you experience burnout?
We live in the times where being busy is considered a virtue. We hear our friends and colleagues bragging about how many hours a week they work. There is constant social pressure to work harder and longer. In this situation … Read more
7 reasons why you should consider having a pet
Animals can be best friends of a man – you have heard this cliché so many times. But what does it really mean? And is it true? Some advantages of having a pet are obvious, but not all of them. … Read more
The Potential of Counselling – Part 2 of 2
As was explained in Part 1 the relationship building is essential in the counselling process, this is due to the fact that the therapeutic relationship can be reparative. It can be reparative as the relationship can replicate relationships with others … Read more