This post will be another book review. This time it’s about a book that I have recommended to two of my female clients who have suffered sexual abuse as children. This book may not be advisable for all clients, the clients I mentioned are both very experienced clients, highly introspective, interested, and well-versed in the psychology literature, which is why I dared to point them to this book.

 Namely, the book is called “Trauma and Recovery”, and it was written by Judith Herman. In it, Herman masterfully explores the profound and lasting effects of trauma on individuals and communities. Originally published in 1992, this transformative book has established itself as a fundamental resource for understanding trauma’s complexities and the journey towards healing and recovery. Being an experienced clinician herself, she offers a compassionate understanding of trauma, challenging conventional beliefs and emphasising the multi-phase process survivors endure in the aftermath of their traumatic experiences.

The narrative of the book is meticulously organised, seamlessly transitioning from theoretical foundations to real-life case studies. The book smoothly transitions from theoretical foundations to real-life stories, making the content accessible and relatable. Illustrating the book with authentic testimonies of traumatised people, the author shows how recognised trauma can be overcome. 

The Impact of Trauma

A standout feature of the book is its integration of feminist perspectives, highlighting the gendered nature of trauma and emphasising how women uniquely experience and cope with traumatic events. Herman places significant emphasis on survivors’ experiences, showcasing their resilience and stressing the importance of restoring a sense of safety, connection, and empowerment. Still, she draws parallels between the experiences of domestic abuse with those of combat veterans, making it a relatable read for many. 

 An essential aspect of the book is its impassioned call for societal awareness and change. Herman asserts that acknowledging trauma and providing appropriate support is vital for both individual and collective healing. This central theme is seen throughout the book, making it a valuable resource for clinicians, researchers, policymakers, and anyone seeking insight into the profound impact of trauma on individuals and communities. 

Understanding Trauma

 For clients who have faced traumatic experiences, “Trauma and Recovery” offers crucial insights and understanding. It acts as a roadmap for navigating the intricate journey of recovery, underscoring the importance of validating one’s experiences and fostering a sense of safety and empowerment. By delving into the stories and experiences of other survivors, clients can find solace, recognise their own resilience, and glean hope for their unique recovery journey. The book serves as a powerful tool to help clients understand their trauma, providing a foundation for healing and growth, thus making it a good potential collaborator on the therapist’s and client’s journey to recovery. However, it’s essential to approach the book with awareness. 

The academic language and depth of analysis might present a challenge, especially if people reading it don’t have a background in psychology. Moreover, the book’s intensity can be emotionally demanding due to the gravity of the subject matter, underscoring the necessity for clients to approach it with empathy and self-awareness. Still, this book is highly valuable, as it advocates for a more compassionate and supportive society, offering a valuable resource for individuals on their journey towards healing and resilience.

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue, you can reach out here.

Branka Mlinar is a psychologist and Gestalt therapist offering psychotherapy and counselling to adolescent and adult individuals. She’s mostly worked with problems of anxiety, interpersonal and relationship issues, procrastination, work-related stress, trauma, and grief.


Herman, J. L. (2015). Trauma and recovery: The aftermath of violence from domestic abuse to political terror. Hachette uK.