Willingness | The myth of good and bad emotions

The myth of good and bad emotions

As human beings we all have varied emotions and some of these we tend to say are negative.

Anxiety, shame, jealousy, anger and sadness are some of those feelings that society teaches us to label as bad or unacceptable leading … Read more

Willingness | The Freedom to Let You Be

The Freedom to Let You Be

As a child I always wanted a dog or a horse, which I could only manage to get once I was an adult. As an adult I knew that to get a dog (which was more realistic than a horse), … Read more

Willingness | Busy Doing Nothing

Busy Doing Nothing

The Dutch say “niksen”, and the Irish call it “busy doing nothing”, despite being completely different countries, both speak phrases show the importance given to the time spent doing nothing. Research is showing us now that scheduling time to do … Read more

Willingness | What is counselling and psychotherapy?

What is counselling and psychotherapy?

Counselling and psychotherapy fall under the umbrella term of ‘talking therapy’.  They are often used interchangeably and have many similarities, but there are some differences as well, which are mostly related to the history of origin of the therapy and … Read more

Willingness | Flexibility means being more productive?

Flexibility means being more productive?

There are several jobs that a person can do, each of which present with different working conditions. An employer can present rigid conditions which the employee needs to accept without being able to make any negotiations or else, not take … Read more

Willingness | My journey with Willingness...

My journey with Willingness…

My journey with Willingness… it has been quite a roller coaster of happy and hardworking moments which all started back in the year 2016. Frankly, it started before… a year or so before when Matthew Bartolo visited my sixth form, … Read more

Willingness | Qiegħed nagħmel biżżejjed xogħol id-dar?

Qiegħed nagħmel biżżejjed xogħol id-dar?

Jiena u l-mara żżewwiġna xi ftit tax-xhur ilu. Kemm jien u kemm hi naħdmu full-time però d-dar hi tagħmel il-maġġoranza tax-xogħol u ma tidhirx li tiddejjaq għax kull meta staqsejtha jekk tkunx tridni ngħinha dejjem qaltli li m’hemmx għalfejn. Hija Read more

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