Willingness | Relaxation techniques 2/2

Relaxation techniques 2/2

In my first blog I explained some abdominal breathing techniques. In this blog I will explain Progressive Muscle Relaxation techniques, which I often recommend (McKay et al, 2007).

Progressive Muscle Relaxation techniques are simply about tensing and relaxing your muscles. … Read more

Willingness | Relaxation techniques 1/2

Relaxation techniques 1/2

When our nervous system is overwhelmed by stress, chemicals in our body prepare us to ‘fight or flight’. Typical features of a ‘fight or flight’ response are: fast breathing, tensed muscles, increase in blood pressure, and a faster heartbeat. Those … Read more

Willingness | Hoarding


Hoarding is the act of collecting things that may not have much use or value to most people. People who are considered to be hoarders collect many items on a daily basis which then create a lot of clutter. Hoarders … Read more

Willingness | Reflecting on your own behaviour

Reflecting on your own behaviour

Sometimes we come home after a tiring day, and tend to react our stress at our partner. But when you think of it, wouldn’t it be nicer to come home and be able to relax and have a great time, … Read more

Willingness | CBT 2/2

CBT 2/2

Sometimes as we process our thoughts, we corner ourselves cognitively where we think negatively about ourselves. This is usually done as a coping mechanism in order to avoid anxiety provoking situations. I usually like to compare this to horse blinkers, … Read more

Willingness | CBT Part 1/2

CBT Part 1/2


CBT is one of the most researched forms of psychotherapy, mainly due to its efficiency in helping with symptoms of depression and anxiety. What does it stand for? CBT stands for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Its basic premise stems from … Read more

Willingness | The secret of Empathy 2/2

The secret of Empathy 2/2

In previous blog ‘The secret of empathy’ we discussed about how empathy is based into our brain, however to be empathetic as much as possible it’s important to keep learning all the time. Here are several methods which could help … Read more

Willingness | The secret of Empathy 1/2

The secret of Empathy 1/2

Even though we tend to see the world through the prism of our own reflection, at the same time we are social creatures surrounded by other people and it’s crucial to our personal development, our relationship and society itself to Read more

Willingness | Water Game of Thrones! Summer is coming

Water Game of Thrones! Summer is coming

Summer is just round the corner. Kids are counting down the days to their last exam. Parents are making their preparation so that their family may enjoy these holidays in the best way. As we struggle with the rising heat … Read more

Willingness | Jealousy


Imagine your partner has been invited to a night out with friends. How would you feel? Would you be fine with it, or would you feel uncomfortable, or jealous maybe?

Jealousy is a common problem in relationships. A survey of … Read more

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