Willingness | My migraines are controlling my life

My migraines are controlling my life

What if something so simple as standing became impossible? Have you ever had to cancel a night out because a migraine had started to crawl in as you were preparing to head out? Migraines are invisible, and people around you … Read more

Willingness | How can a psychologist ease my chronic pain?

How can a psychologist ease my chronic pain?

It’s not common knowledge on how psychologists can help people with chronic pain and physical health in general. However, there’s an entire field of psychology, known as health psychology, that is all about how our biology, psychology, behaviour and social … Read more

Willingness | Fears Vs. Phobias

Fears Vs. Phobias

Fear is one of the seven universal emotions that are experienced by everyone around the world. Fear happens when there is threat of harm, either physical, emotional, psychological, real or imagined. Traditionally people considered fear as a “negative” emotion, when in fact fear … Read more

Willingness | My girlfriend has Vaginismus | Part 2

My girlfriend has Vaginismus | Part 2

There may be a variety of psychological causes that may be triggers for this condition, and which cause the fear and anxiety which arise in the expectation of penetration. Issues relating to past traumas, such as rape and sexual abuse … Read more

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