Willingness | Let’s talk about Gambling Addiction | Part 1

Let’s talk about Gambling Addiction | Part 1

Gambling is a well-known activity in Malta with all its lotto booths and betting shops. Worldwide it seems to be an increasing phenomenon, including online gambling sites for some years now. First of all, what exactly do we mean when

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Willingness | The cycle of abuse

The cycle of abuse

Have you ever heard of the term ‘cycle of abuse’ and what does that even mean? Well in 1979, psychologist Lenore Walker successfully developed a model that describes the cycle of violence where she discovered that a lot of violent

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Willingness | 5 tips to increase your ability to learn

5 tips to increase your ability to learn

Growing up I was always fascinated by the amount of time and resources a lot of Maltese families spent on education, specifically on private lessons after school. Yet, I never attended any private lessons and still did well in school.

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Willingness | Who are you? Really!

Who are you? Really!

This is one of the most common questions asked. And it sounds simple enough, right?  If asked in an administrative context or in a colloquial manner, you just say your name and perhaps provide a few demographic details. However, it

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Willingness | 4 Pariri biex Trawwem iktar Motivazzjoni

4 Pariri biex Trawwem iktar Motivazzjoni

Il-bnedmin huma min-natura tagħhom attivi u motivati ​​minnhom infushom, kurjużi u ħerqana li jirnexxu għax is-suċċess innifsu huwa personalment sodisfaċenti. Madankollu, iċ-ċirkostanzi u l-ambjent li nkunu fih jistgħu jħalluna aljenati, jew passivi u diżappuntati.

It-trawwim ta’ perċezzjonijiet ta’ kompetenza, awtonomija

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Willingness | What is Loneliness?

What is Loneliness?

‘A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.’ Mandy Hale

What is loneliness?

Loneliness is the feeling of dissatisfaction and sadness that occurs when one feels a discrepancy

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Willingness | 7 Ways to Keep Motivated when Studying Online

7 Ways to Keep Motivated when Studying Online

Around a year ago, COVID-19 turned our world upside down. We were brought into lockdown and had to stay constantly put in the same environment, distant from friends and extended family. We had to isolate, maintain social distancing, worked from

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Willingness | Living through the pandemic era | Part 1

Living through the pandemic era | Part 1

Since last year, our life changed in many ways. Children and adolescents had to adapt to studying online and meeting their friends virtually. Adults, where possible are working from home whilst the elderly became the most isolated. Many have argued

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