Willingness | How illness affects the family

How illness affects the family

When a person suffers from a serious illness, it is not just the afflicted who experiences anxiety and stress. Their loved ones hurt with them when a sinister diagnosis is made. Consequently, the whole family starts to experience dread as … Read more

Ma jistax ikollna tfal

Ghaziz Mr. M. Bartolo.

Ahna kopja mizzewga. Ilna mizzewgin ghal dan l-ahhar 10 snin u issa ilna sentejn nipruvaw ghat-tfal. Qed naqtaw qalbna ghax ghamilna hafna testijiet u kulhadd jghidilna li fizikament u medikalment m’ghandna xejn hazin. Dan l-ahhar hu … Read more

Tghid mhux jiehu pjacir?

Ilni mal-boyfriend tieghi ghal din l-ahhar sena u nofs u t-tnejn li ahna vera attivi sesswalment. Ikolna x’naqsmu xi erbgha darbiet fil-gimgha. Il-problema tieghi hi li filwaqt li jiena nuri li qed niehu pjacir waqt l-att hu ma tantx ikollu … Read more

Willingness | Child Care

Child Care

In recent years, there has been a spike in dual-career families, this in turn has increased the need for children to attend alternative care arrangements.

Parents may question the effect this will have on their child. Concerns may include attachment … Read more

Willingness | Finding the Balance

Finding the Balance

During our lives we take on numerous roles.  The two main ones being those related to our job and our family.  However, at times, juggling these roles may become overwhelming or, in other times, one ends up sacrificing one for … Read more

Nibza’ li t-tifla tieghi attiva sesswalment

Ghaziz Matthew,


Qed niktiblek ghax ninsab vera nkwetata li t-tifla z-zghira ta’ 15 il-sena qedgha tkun attiva sesswalment mal-boyfriend taghha ta’ sena u nofs.  Tahseb li hu z-zmien fejn inkellimha dwar dawn l-affarijiet?


X’parir ittini?



 … Read more

Willingness | What is Gender Dysphoria?

What is Gender Dysphoria?

Gender Dysphoria is defined by strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with the sex you were born with. These feelings cause significant and persistent distress or impairment even. People with gender dysphoria want to live … Read more

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