Willingness | Dealing with a panic attack

Dealing with a panic attack

John went to the beach with his friends. When he got home he started to sweat, have palpitations and his heart was racing. He was feeling very scared and asked his mother to take him to the hospital. Both John … Read more

Willingness | Let’s talk about suicide..

Let’s talk about suicide..

When we think of individuals who completed suicide or just think about the term in itself, most of us tend to avoid going into such thoughts and usually find it difficult to express what it instills in us. Most of … Read more

Willingness | How do our emotions affect our body?

How do our emotions affect our body?

I have recently been meeting many individuals who feel that as time goes by, life seems to be getting harder to live. This may largely be because we are overloaded with information and constantly being told how we should look, … Read more

Willingness | When is enough, enough?

When is enough, enough?

The use of drugs, alcohol and other substances is a much-debated topic in our society: how much can I drink before I am not fit enough to drive? Is there such a thing as controlled use of drugs? Will smoking … Read more

Willingness | Polarities: Active-Passive

Polarities: Active-Passive

In the initial blog about polarities, I explained what polarities are and how it affects us in different ways. If you have not read that blog yet I urge you to read it prior to engaging with this blog.

 … Read more

Willingness | Polarities


I decided to write a series of blogs in relation to the concept of polarities. Due to the fact that some of these polarities affect each and everyone of us at any given point. This series of blogs will tackle … Read more

Willingness | Language learning: how polyglots do it?

Language learning: how polyglots do it?

With countless job opportunities abroad and frequent migration, our multicultural environments are only ever expanding. As the crosscultural workforce becomes more of a standard than exemption, requirements related to language fluency began to rise. Nowadays more and more people put … Read more

Willingness | Does familiarity breed contempt?

Does familiarity breed contempt?

I am a creature of habit. I like to return to the same restaurants, beaches and travel locations over and over again. For some, I might be considered boring, dull or unadventurous. However, at times I feel the need to … Read more

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