Willingness | What was I saying? I can’t remember!

What was I saying? I can’t remember!

Did you ever catch yourself thinking about something you shouldn’t be thinking during a meeting or during a lecture? You are trying to focus but all of sudden you realise that your mind just wandered and you have no idea … Read more

Willingness | What is selective perception?

What is selective perception?

Selective perception is when an individual would not attend to the other experiences in one’s life and fixates only on a particular set of experiences. This tends to occur in individuals who experience an emotional disorder such as anxiety or … Read more

Willingness | Did you hug today?

Did you hug today?

I ask you… did you hug today? Were you hugged? Did you know that hugging can be a stress-buffering social support? Would you believe me if I were to tell you that frequent hugging can predict less severe illness signs? … Read more

Willingness | Waiting?.... Bored?

Waiting?…. Bored?

We are all busy. Hectic busy, that maybe we do not notice that today is a sunny day, or that we have worn our top inside out. Being busy for most people, makes us hate, despise and get irritated if … Read more

Willingness | I Can’t Decide

I Can’t Decide

Decisions are a part of life. We decide on short-term things, such as what to wear, what to eat, where to go for a walk. These are short term decisions which generally do not impact our life that much (unless … Read more

Willingness | Can you wear my hat?

Can you wear my hat?

Dr. Edward De Bono created what is known as the 6 Thinking Hats. This name is derived from the metaphor “to put on different hats” – which means that someone looks at the same issue from different perspectives. This type … Read more

Willingness | Let’s talk..fat!

Let’s talk..fat!

How many times have we heard the phrases, ‘’I really need to hit the gym’’ , ‘’diet as of next Monday’’ or ‘’look at this big fat belly!’’  These are what we call fat talk. Mimi Nichter (2000) explains fat … Read more

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