Willingness | Parenting Teens

Parenting Teens

“Who are you to tell me what to do? This is what I said and this is what I’ll do!!!”Have you ever heard these phrases? We can all admit that we have been through similar times. Most parents of teens … Read more

Willingness | Parenting After Separation

Parenting After Separation

”Separation is believed to have a negative effect on the behavior of children, however studies have shown that a majority of children do adjust to the change in the family structure. Although resilience is present, most children do not experience … Read more

Attachment Styles

A famous psychiatrist known by the name as John Bowlby, noticed attachment styles in infants. This attachment style is present between the infants and his/her caregiver, generally the parents. Attachment style is like the bond shared between the two persons. … Read more

Willingness | Positive Parenting

Positive Parenting

Parenting is difficult, there is no exact right or wrong way to go by it, however through positive parenting you can improve the relationship with your child.

Positive parenting can be defined as an approach to childcare that aids the … Read more

Willingness | The shape our family gives us

The shape our family gives us

Many say that our upbringing has some effect on our personality.  Some psychologists also believe that it is also affected by one’s place in the family, or rather, the birth order.

Some studies show that first born are likely to … Read more

Willingness | Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry

In a relationship between siblings, it is almost inevitable that conflict will arise and this may prove frustrating and stressful for parents.

Sibling rivalry usually happens when children are competing for parental attention or when they feel they are being … Read more

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