How to get a better orgasm

A lot of women and men wonder what they can do to achieve a better orgasm during sex. Here is a list of 15 things you can do to improve your orgasms:

1. Relax and unwind before sex, a sensual Read more

The 5 Languages of Love – Part 2/3

Continuing on from the last blog, here are the next two languages of love:

  1. Quality time

Nothing says “I love you” like undivided attention and being there for the other person without outside distraction such as the TV, chores, tasks Read more

The 5 Languages of Love – Part 1/3

The 5 languages of love

When people get together, sometimes they find that they don’t speak the same emotional love language. A lot of problems arise when two people try hard to express their love to each other but it’s Read more

Binti Ma Tridx Taf B’Relazzjonijiet

Ghandi binti ta’ 16-il sena li dejjem tghid li ma tridx tizzewweg. Fil-fatt qatt ma kellha xi interess li jkollha boyfriend. Dan l-ahhar qed tohrog ma’ tfajla tal-istess eta taghha u dejjem icemplu lil xulxin. Tahseb li t-tifla qed tghaddi Read more


Ghaziz Matthew,

Jiena guvni ta’ 32 sena.  Dejjem kont nahseb li jien straight ghax dejjem kont attrat lejn nisa u dejjem kelli relazjonijiet ma’ nisa.  Izda dan l – ahhar sibt lili nnifsi ningibed lejn ragel iehor.  Sahansitra gili spiccajna Read more

Is-Sider Femminili u l-Attrazzjoni Sesswali – Part 2

Grazzi għal dan l-imbierek blog, tul din il-ġimgħa, kienu ħafna li bagħtuli e-mails u messaġġi privati biex ikomplu jiddiskutu dan is-suġġett. Kont sorpriż kemm dan is-suġġett joħloq diskussjoni u interess, minkejja li ħafna drabi jkun wieħed mis-suġġetti l-anqas mitkellma fil-pubbliku, Read more

Is-Sider Femminili u l-Attrazzjoni Sesswali – Part 1

Domanda li dejjem staqsejt fis-sessoloġija kienet għala l-irġiel, speċjalment dawk straight, huma daqshekk interessati fis-sider tal-mara. Il-bniedem bħal qisu jinfixel meta jara xi ħaġa li għalih tkun attraenti, u l-kummenti ma jonqsux! “Mamma mia Pepp, ħares warajk! Ħares mal-ġenb!” … Read more

Empty Nest

Jiena mara ta’ 65 sena u dan l-ahhar jien u r-ragel spiccajna wahedna d-dar.  It-tfal bejn qed joqghodu mal-partners taghom u bejn qedghin barra jistudjaw kollha hallewna u spiccawna wahdena d-dar.  Inhossu vojt kbir, specjalment minn mindu r-ragel u jien Read more


It is generally understood that non-consummation refers to a situation in which vaginal-penile sexual intercourse in a committed intimate relationship has not taken place. Historically and by definition non-consummation has always been applicable to heterosexual couples – In the UK, Read more


A lot of women experience dyspareunia or what is known as painful intercourse, it can be hard to diagnose, as there are a lot of causes. There is a debate whether dyspareunia is a pain disorder in it’s own right Read more

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