Male Confidence – Part 2

Obstacles are there for us to grow and this what makes us stronger as men.  When a man goes for the desire of achieving he becomes very likable to the opposite sex.  Women love a man who knows what he Read more

Male Confidence – Part 1

Growing up I felt something was missing when it comes how to communicate to strangers and leave an impression especially with women.  I used to hate when I was told I must have confidence in this and in that and Read more

Willingness | Beating the January Blues

Beating the January Blues

Frequently after the Festive Season a feeling of let-down is produced because either this period was a good time well spent that is now over or if it wasn’t then you may feel like it was fun for everyone but Read more

Willingness | Talk With Your Child

Talk With Your Child

People must understand the importance of talking with their children. My quest today is to encourage all parents to find the time to talk with their children. Although we believe they do not understand research proves the benefits of conversing Read more

Willingness | Christmas Time

Christmas Time

Christmas is coming and it will not be a time of cheer for everyone.  It can be a time where some can feel lonely, isolated, insecure.  It can come at a time of financial and familial difficulties or ill health. Read more

Willingness | Growing Up

Growing Up

May I invite all parents to visualise the moment when their children will finally decide that they may cross the road by themselves without assistance? A moment most parents dread, but an important episode in our children’s development. It is. Read more

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